1. When I'm talking to you, I'm more than likely looking into your right eye.
2. When I drive, I make funny faces in the rear view mirror at red lights. It simply brightens my day as well as the drivers passing me.
3. If I'm thinking about somebody, odds are my face takes the emotion of how I feel about the person.
4. I LOVE Chex Mix.
5. I refer to everything to everything good in my life as "Kitty".
6. I've developed a habit of whenever I walk through a door with a light switch by it, I self conscientiously try to flip it. If you watch me walk through a door, my right arm fidgets.
7. If I text you, even just to let you know that I got your message, I more than likely want to hold a conversation. Even if I simply reply, "OK".
8. I secretly want to learn how to play the piano.
9. Every song reminds me of somebody I know. Even the bad ones.
10. I know who has hat box M60. I'm watching you.