Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Advice from a NERD

'When you find me! In the morning! Hanging on a warning, ooooohhhh! The joke is on you! You said you were preteneding, heres to unhappy endings oooh! The joke is on you!'

The Joke - By Lifehouse :D

But theres more to this song other than it is utterly AWSOME. I happen to be quite busy, talking to soo many people. Seeing as I live in such a pathedicaly small town, I understand why there isn't much drama, but where there is any, its like out the WAH ZOO!

For instance, one of my dear friends had rumors spread about him. That he was smoking pot, talking crap about people, ect. But I know he wasn't. Hes a good guy and I find it awful that people would make fun of other because their life is so pathedicly shameful, boring, and annoying to others.

Personaly, even in a BIG school, this kind of stuff can be avoided. If you're a truely good person, you wouldn't talk behind ANYONES back. Not just your best friend's, ex-boyfriend's sister, but EVERYBODY.

I got lucky. Nobody talks about the 'nerds'. Its just unusuall. apparently our lives our too boring for their liking. Or they know we can smart them back if needed and make them look more of a fool than they already put off.

Though nerds, emos, goths, pot heads, and jock are all just sterio types. Don't make fun of them because they are different. It can really hurt them. People have DIED because some D.A.happened to find some guy quite funny because he happened to be carrying his homework to class.

I've been the victim of harsh remarks at one point. It hurt a lot. I didn't want to live. I didn't want to do anything. I wanted to sit and cry. Again, I was lucky. I have many great friends that helped pull me up. I was oh so lucky. Though others arn't.

I guess all I'm trying to say with all this rambling is that, most people are just talk. The ones that really mean buisness would go ahead and hurt you. Don't let their harsh remarks push you over the edge. Especially to the point of suicide or self mutilation. Its not worth it.

You'll be glad you followed this one day. It may seem insane, but it sorta works. Just ask the 'nerds'. :)

Well... ramble, ramble, ramble... have a nice day.



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