Tonight I watched Julie and Julia... Terrible movie.
Though, I love the idea that Julie, I believe it was, decided she needed an escape by cooking. I, at first, thought she was an idiot. I almost got up to sit in the kitchen and look for deer.
Then I got to thinking...
"What order do I have in my life?"
I just kind of go with the flow and land where ever I run out of gas.
Many people would frown on that way of life. Possibly because it can get so hectic and stressful.
I laughed at the thought of my family truly being organized.
Of course, it was during the sad part when Julie's husband left her.... I'm glad grandpa had gone downstairs and everybody was so into the movie.
So, as it turns out, I want to do something different with my blog.
Like anybody really reads it. Ha.
I'm going to TRY and be more focused and into the world than I have been.
Those that know me probably know what I'm talking about.
They've seen me stare blankly or make other plans when I absolutely MUST be somewhere.
Terrible stress.
I also want to get more things done.
I want my bathroom finished, I want to bring my grades up as much as possible, I want to work...
What am I saying? Maybe I'm just tired or something...
Though, it is true and I think about it a lot.
What it would be like to have my bathroom finished.... I would never have to leave my room unless for school or band. It would be my sanctum and I would be able to put a rug down or maybe have some candles... YES!!
What about my grades? I've never gotten below a B-, I don't think... At least, not that I recall... I would love to get them up... Shoot, if I get that bathroom done and get some candles, I wouldn't mind studying so much.
Well... I have no dead line... I'm on vacation. Or, so I think...
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