Today I have continually thought about Nirvana and how Kurt Cobain was killed/died. After hours of reviewing sites and listening to his music, I don't think he killed himself.
First off, I want to clear the gun. He had originally bought it for protection, not for suicide. He wanted to protect his life. There also were no finger prints found on the gun. And just part of human nature, why would he leave his daughter with the awful image of blood and wounds when he could have simply passed through an overdose (If suicide was his intenion).
As for the heroin, it isn't possible, even for a regular heroin addict to take 3 times the lethal dose. He would have been incapasited almost emidiatly and wouldn't have had the time to pick up the gun to shoot himself.
Another reason why I don't think he did it because he didn't say anything in his 'suicide note' about killing himself. It was more like a note saying he was leaving the music buisness because he didn't feel the thrill and excitement he used to. The only evidence of a suicide was written in a footnote, on the bottom of the page, in a different mannor. If you were writing a suicide note, wouldn't you write it to JUST your family? Quite honestly, I wouldn't care what the fans thought if I were to kill myself or be murdered, I would just worry about how my family and the people I care about.
But this note isn't the only evidence, his wife, Courtney Love, had kept another note from Kurt. She didn't show it to anyone. It clearly stated that he was leaving his wife as well as Seattle, nothing about leaving life.
Personaly, I think his wife may have done it. Though there is a few humanoid things that make me think she didn't. But why I think she DID is because his credit card was missing. Possibly Cobains death was for money. As you I had just stated, they were planning a divorce. Maybe Love wasn't happy about it and figured she would take everything. I guess it worked.
Why I DON'T think she did it is because she claimed to have carried his ashes around with her everywhere she went so she could just live in comfort of knowing he was always with her. I find that a bit crazy, but I understand. She also supposidly wore his clothes all the time. Maybe shes just a good assasin, or I'm a terrible detective.
Either way, it is a tragic loss that I do wish never happend. Even if Cobain's only intent was to leave the music business, it would have been much better than losing his whole life.
Information found at
You've heard my opinion, see for yourself.
Wow, I never thought about his death like that. You made some really good points.
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