So... I proved I can't go very long without talking. But I'm glad to say it actually accomplished something.
It started out by me waking up in the morning. I REALLY didn't want to get up, but I did anyway. I grabbed my clarinet and beginner book for Savannah wanted to learn to play one. So then I rushed out the door only to be greeted by a troll and her minions. Of course I avoided the situation by pulling out my mp3 and blaring one of my loudest, most vulgarity inspired song. I boarded the bus with 'EFF THAT!' playing obnoxiously loud. I feel bad for Coach, but he must understand. Anyway, I sat in my regular seat and continued to listen and ignored to all else around me. Chris had been texting me and he seemed relatively perky.
Eventually Ema got on and we had a semi conversation. At the time I was thinking 'Its just the bus, this doesn't count'. Then we got to Whitesboro and the Troll attempted to talk to us again and like usual Julie comes to our rescue. We get on the second bus and of course it gets the seat behind us and tries to hold ANOTHER conversation. I had already put up my mp3 to talk to Ema, but she still had hers and she let me listen so I wouldn't have to pay attention. Thats about it for the bus.
I got to school started the regular routine, but CHEY was back and I just had so much to tell her! And so according to Dusty I talked and talked and talked and TALKED! Maybe I did, but it was fun :)
So I figure I'm going to make this 'My Days of Silence' and annual thing. CONGRATULATIONS! YOU HAVE JUST WITNESSED THE VERY FIRST ANNUAL MY DAYS OF SILENCE!!!
Have a nice day :)
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