Tuesday, March 16, 2010

If at first you don't succeed, distroy all the evidence that you tried.

Today was certainly strange. I woke up and I was rather down in the dumps because our black lab had ran away the day before. I didn't bother to get out of my PJ's or anything. I went upstairs, microwaved pancakes, and read a little bit. I then grew tired of being upstairs and retreated the the 'level' part of the house.

I was still quite tired for I had attempted to stay awake with Katie. I failed miserably. But I layed on the couch and started playing Paper Mario. I found my addiction was back and I played it as a distraction. Then mother's cell phone went off. With the lyrics to 'Single Ladies' playing she rushed and answered the phone.

Long behold, it was a man (William of course) had found Willis playing with his dog. Hunter then came running downstairs to tell me. I perked out and realized I was a mess. When mother and Hunter left to pick him up, I got in the shower and got ready for the day... Even though it was 3 in the afternoon.

When they returned with the mutt, I entered the room with a smile and a 'WELCOME HOME, STUPID!'. I was asked to give him a bath and I did as I was told. He surprisingly just WALKED into the tub, when I usually get a workout trying to get him into it. But he did just fine. He got cleaned up and I let him lose to wander the house. He went back upstairs and plopped onto the floor and passed out for the rest of the day. I guess he was quite tired. Or just bummed to be back with us. Oh well. He'll learn.

After that we went to Fred's where a cat bit me. I laughed all the way home.

Then I made cookies and had a mocha or two. I was wired. I STILL am, but its cool. Today was great, but it had its fails. Tomorrow we plan on going to Boone :D

I hope Spring will be better than winter. *crosses fingers*


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