Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween Tale

I just got back from the most… terrifying night of my life; or at least one of them…

We went to spend the day with the West family to go do a scary trail in ‘honor’ of Halloween. I was pumped in the beginning, because it’s been a while since we’ve done something like this. Now I know why.

We went to some woodsy trail on Look Out Mountain. The fear started when I found out I had NO service. NONE. ZIP. NADA! They could have killed us on the spot and nobody would have known or cared.

When we got out of the truck, Hunter West carried me around. Then he dropped me. I hurt my foot. Like, it’s still sore. We also saw a shooting star. Naturally, I made a wish… It somewhat came true, though; it wasn’t at all what I was expecting. *sigh*

Then some guy came up and he was pretty old. He looked really ragged and crazy. He was petting a pine cone. For real. He called it his pet and explained why he doesn’t take showers with it anymore. Eventually, some lady came and said: “Let’s go show Morgan you’re pine cone…”

He reluctantly gave it to her and a little girl came out. I hate to be discriminating in any way, and I don’t intend this to be, but she was a two-foot tall adult. She said that he is allowed out of the mental ward for a few hours every day. He said it was just the medicine he didn’t like and that he wanted his pine cone back.

At this point, I was getting pretty freaked out. When we finally went into the woods, I was choking Hunter (West). I was so terrified. I hid my face and some guy followed me and yelled.


“*sobs* Go away, please.”


One of the scariest parts was that they knew my name. They knew everybody else’s, but it was MINE that they called the most often.

“Shelly… I have something for you!”

“Shelly! I’m going to kill you!”

“I’m going to get you, Shelly!”

Eventually, they broke out the chainsaws. I could feel the wind through my jacket. I hid my face again. Apparently I was the only one that was deathly scarred. I mean, through the WHOLE THING; BOTH Hunters were making childish replies. For example:

“Shelly! I’m going to get you!”

“Here, just take her.”




“I see you!”

“That’s nice.”

And it just went ON and ON.

The worst part for me was the end. They all crowded around the house. Our line broke and I thought they would pull of their masks and be all like: “Hey! You didn’t pee yourself!”

No. They attacked ME! I ran around EVERYBODY. Hunter (West) ran the other direction; Becky went toward the trees; Mom followed Becky; Hunter (brother) was nowhere to be found; and Paul was in front of me. I ran to Paul and used him as a shield. Apparently I almost tore his arm off.

They kept getting in my face and yelling. I slapped one of them and (accidentally) stepped on the foot of another. (The funny thing is that we were asked not to attack them in any form or fashion. I feel I had every right.)

When they wouldn’t stop, I ran to the truck and got in the driver’s seat. I slammed the door in the face of one of those demonic, fear-seeking, freaks and locked it. I couldn’t find the button and another climbed into the passenger seat. I yelled: “GET OUT!” Then something tapped my shoulder.

Yea. One climbed through the trunk. What did I think to do? Throw something.

There was NOTHING hard and heavy to throw, so I grabbed the closest thing to me. Paper. I chucked it at his face and he didn’t go anywhere. Just kept yelling at me. I then threw a glove. What good did that do? None.

I got out of the car and hid behind Paul again. He pointed out that I wasn’t running to my Mom. Know why? She would push me toward them. Eventually Paul did make them stop.

They (my group) won’t leave me alone about it. Paul scared the crap out of me when we got to their house by hiding behind my door. I kicked him and he limped to the front door of the house.

I was quite proud of myself…

So… Who wants to go with me next year?


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