Monday, October 11, 2010

I feel like a machine.

I've been home for approximately an hour. So far, this is the longest I've sat down since then.

I've cleaned the kitchen. This consists of wiping down counters, starting the dishwasher, sweeping, taking out the garbage, and watering the plants.

I've also started cleaning my room. Changed the sheets on my bed, started laundry, throw out my waste basket, ect.

I also took the opportunity to count how many pillows I sleep with at night...

10 and a half...


Anyway. Occasionally, I fall into vehement cleaning moods. I clean until I can't clean anymore. Like the lady in the picture... Only I don't dress like a marshmallow.

Normally, I would be sitting on Facebook or Twitter socializing with the few people willing to talk to me. Instead, I'm cleaning.

I hate falling into this 'mode'.

I feel like a machine.


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