Wednesday, November 3, 2010

10 Things You Probably Didn't Know... Nor Cared About

1. When I'm talking to you, I'm more than likely looking into your right eye.

2. When I drive, I make funny faces in the rear view mirror at red lights. It simply brightens my day as well as the drivers passing me.

3. If I'm thinking about somebody, odds are my face takes the emotion of how I feel about the person.

4. I LOVE Chex Mix.

5. I refer to everything to everything good in my life as "Kitty".

6. I've developed a habit of whenever I walk through a door with a light switch by it, I self conscientiously try to flip it. If you watch me walk through a door, my right arm fidgets.

7. If I text you, even just to let you know that I got your message, I more than likely want to hold a conversation. Even if I simply reply, "OK".

8. I secretly want to learn how to play the piano.

9. Every song reminds me of somebody I know. Even the bad ones.

10. I know who has hat box M60. I'm watching you.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween Tale

I just got back from the most… terrifying night of my life; or at least one of them…

We went to spend the day with the West family to go do a scary trail in ‘honor’ of Halloween. I was pumped in the beginning, because it’s been a while since we’ve done something like this. Now I know why.

We went to some woodsy trail on Look Out Mountain. The fear started when I found out I had NO service. NONE. ZIP. NADA! They could have killed us on the spot and nobody would have known or cared.

When we got out of the truck, Hunter West carried me around. Then he dropped me. I hurt my foot. Like, it’s still sore. We also saw a shooting star. Naturally, I made a wish… It somewhat came true, though; it wasn’t at all what I was expecting. *sigh*

Then some guy came up and he was pretty old. He looked really ragged and crazy. He was petting a pine cone. For real. He called it his pet and explained why he doesn’t take showers with it anymore. Eventually, some lady came and said: “Let’s go show Morgan you’re pine cone…”

He reluctantly gave it to her and a little girl came out. I hate to be discriminating in any way, and I don’t intend this to be, but she was a two-foot tall adult. She said that he is allowed out of the mental ward for a few hours every day. He said it was just the medicine he didn’t like and that he wanted his pine cone back.

At this point, I was getting pretty freaked out. When we finally went into the woods, I was choking Hunter (West). I was so terrified. I hid my face and some guy followed me and yelled.


“*sobs* Go away, please.”


One of the scariest parts was that they knew my name. They knew everybody else’s, but it was MINE that they called the most often.

“Shelly… I have something for you!”

“Shelly! I’m going to kill you!”

“I’m going to get you, Shelly!”

Eventually, they broke out the chainsaws. I could feel the wind through my jacket. I hid my face again. Apparently I was the only one that was deathly scarred. I mean, through the WHOLE THING; BOTH Hunters were making childish replies. For example:

“Shelly! I’m going to get you!”

“Here, just take her.”




“I see you!”

“That’s nice.”

And it just went ON and ON.

The worst part for me was the end. They all crowded around the house. Our line broke and I thought they would pull of their masks and be all like: “Hey! You didn’t pee yourself!”

No. They attacked ME! I ran around EVERYBODY. Hunter (West) ran the other direction; Becky went toward the trees; Mom followed Becky; Hunter (brother) was nowhere to be found; and Paul was in front of me. I ran to Paul and used him as a shield. Apparently I almost tore his arm off.

They kept getting in my face and yelling. I slapped one of them and (accidentally) stepped on the foot of another. (The funny thing is that we were asked not to attack them in any form or fashion. I feel I had every right.)

When they wouldn’t stop, I ran to the truck and got in the driver’s seat. I slammed the door in the face of one of those demonic, fear-seeking, freaks and locked it. I couldn’t find the button and another climbed into the passenger seat. I yelled: “GET OUT!” Then something tapped my shoulder.

Yea. One climbed through the trunk. What did I think to do? Throw something.

There was NOTHING hard and heavy to throw, so I grabbed the closest thing to me. Paper. I chucked it at his face and he didn’t go anywhere. Just kept yelling at me. I then threw a glove. What good did that do? None.

I got out of the car and hid behind Paul again. He pointed out that I wasn’t running to my Mom. Know why? She would push me toward them. Eventually Paul did make them stop.

They (my group) won’t leave me alone about it. Paul scared the crap out of me when we got to their house by hiding behind my door. I kicked him and he limped to the front door of the house.

I was quite proud of myself…

So… Who wants to go with me next year?

Monday, October 25, 2010

I'm in that "mood" again...

Since we returned from Wal-Mart this morning, I've decided to clean the kitchen a little. Even though I rarely come downstairs over the weekend, it was a disaster. I'm currently waiting on the dishwasher to finish so I can return the spices to their rack...

While I move around the house doing random tasks, I started messing things up... Like, I busted a drawer trying to fix it. Then, I thought of THIS:
Yes, I walked through the flow chart to see if I was in any bit of trouble.

Did the drawer work?
Did I mess with it?
I sure did.
I'm a fool.
Does anyone know?
Considering I was screaming at the darn thing, I'm sure at least ONE person knows...
I'm a poor fool.
Can I blame somebody else?
Eh... I can blame the past Shelly for being so careless as to when it came to the proper care of our lovely drawers.

On the up side, I fixed it. I sealed my victory with a yell of satisfaction and accomplishment. That drawer has been broken for the longest time. Now I sit here stupidly laughing at my amazing achievement.

I think the best part about cleaning involves the little things. For instance, later, when somebody tries to cook something or use the bathroom I can say smugly "Don't forget to clean up your mess, I worked hard in there!"

Truth is, I don't mind cleaning as long as I have my iPod handy. I listen to it on random and get lost in the lyrics as I run on autopilot. So, basically, my brain shuts down while I'm still productive.

This is really, depressingly sad. I mean, we had a long weekend... The most exciting thing was my dream about a demonic hat box out to kill me. Other than that I've been in my room reading, taking notes, and watching Lilly run around my room. And here I am, writing a blog about CLEANING...

My social life is very lugubrious.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I've been listening to a lot from Oasis lately and I've discovered a few songs that have really jumped out at me and have be trapped on repeat on countless occasions.

I love this song for multiple reasons. I love it because it plainly states that you can be who you want to be. The world is your oyster and you can live life the way you choose to. Make your own choices and be unique. You're free.

This one kind of just keeps me thinking that I can't look back at my mistakes. I think it means that you can't dwell on the bad things that happened in the past, but you shouldn't be angry they happened. If anything, be happy. There's a benefit from it, I suppose.

This one is just comforting. In all honesty, this song has made me feel better on some of my worst days. It just proves the power music has over the human mind.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I'm Paranoid of the Paranormal

I've been pondering the paranormal a lot since I woke up about two hours ago. It just may be from all the sinus medication I've taken or I'm going crazy. I can't tell.

Upon arriving home at about 1, I immediately went to bed and slept until I was awoken by a blood curling scream coming from the television. I was angry about being brought back to conscientiousness in such a rude and terrifying manner. Of course, once I got over my grogginess, I was captured into the show.

It was about the most haunted places in America. They were, at the time, talking about children during the industrial revolution. They started working as early as the age of seven. I was drawn to the idea, that they, innocent souls, would want to stick around after death.

Yes, I do believe in the paranormal... I occasionally think there's a ghost in my house. Actually, last week, I was laying in bed and I saw a shadow of a man glide across the far wall of my room. It was about 3 in the morning. Let me be the first to say, yes. I'm losing hope in my own sanity.

Anyway, the haunted places got freakier and freakier. I had to turn on my light and, regardless how hot it was in my room, hide under the sheets. I couldn't turn off the TV, because I'm deathly afraid that something is waiting under my bed... And I lost the remote.

I know that since Halloween is drawing near, that more shows on the paranormal will be coming on; but am I the only one who thinks that there is a world in between? That you can actually get stuck in the middle?

Another tale was on a woman who spent the night out with her boyfriend. Resurrection Mary. She then got into an argument with him and left. On her way home, she was then killed by a hit and run driver. Mary is said to be seen walking up and down the road by Resurrection Cemetery. Maybe I'm the only one that finds the name ironic....

Also, let me throw in that I live near a alleged haunted area. Ever hear of Cry Baby Holler? Yea. I could walk there if the road wasn't grown over... I've heard countless stories about it. I even found it in a book. It was the FIRST story in a book on the most haunted places in Alabama.

I guess I'm just proving that I'm an idiot and have so little of a life that I have to waste my time thinking that there is something not there out to get me. Maybe I'm trapped in my own fear that every time a breeze of cool air brushes my arm that something else is there.

I wish I wasn't so disturbed over everything that I'd possibly imagine things to be afraid of...

If any of this made sense, you're probably going crazy too. Congratulations.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

This is Strange.

Life is funny in an odd way.

Today, we were sitting in English, reading our sentences for Mrs. Monroe. I was completely zoned out and thinking about something else when I heard, "The streets in Boone are bustling during the winter."

Hearing the word "Boone" I turned around and blurted, "You know about Boone?!".

Jack, the fellow student who wrote that sentence, looked at me and said, "Yes, we have a house up there."

I sat dumbfounded. I've been going to Boone ever since I was a baby.

My great grandfather built a house up there and his son (my grandpa) recently purchased it for my grandma and himself.

On a side note, my great grandmother sold it. The house has always been in the family. Above, you should see the house. It's a large blue house by the golf course. I love how the rug is always vacuumed and that it's always quiet... And there's always a possible chance of getting mauled by a bear... Not that I've ever seen it happen.

Back on subject. I'm now afraid to go on vacation up there. What if I run into Jack at the Mast or even in Banner Elk?

That's where I go to get away from you people... Not that I don't love my friends or anything... But I'm sure you enjoy the break from me as well.

I just thought it was strange...

Also, I was there first. Let it be known.

Monday, October 11, 2010

I feel like a machine.

I've been home for approximately an hour. So far, this is the longest I've sat down since then.

I've cleaned the kitchen. This consists of wiping down counters, starting the dishwasher, sweeping, taking out the garbage, and watering the plants.

I've also started cleaning my room. Changed the sheets on my bed, started laundry, throw out my waste basket, ect.

I also took the opportunity to count how many pillows I sleep with at night...

10 and a half...


Anyway. Occasionally, I fall into vehement cleaning moods. I clean until I can't clean anymore. Like the lady in the picture... Only I don't dress like a marshmallow.

Normally, I would be sitting on Facebook or Twitter socializing with the few people willing to talk to me. Instead, I'm cleaning.

I hate falling into this 'mode'.

I feel like a machine.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Miss Havisham

To those who took Honors English with me... Do you remember this woman?

I do... all too well... When I saved her image to my desktop, I was afraid my computer would crash.

I hated reading Great Expectations.

Hated. It.

Like, I wanted to claw my eyes out. Rarely do I say that about a book.

Anyway, I was going to use the image of her on fire... But I couldn't find it, sadly.

I remember we watched Miss Havisham's death three times...

I'm certain it was our English teacher's favorite part as well.

Though, I would have read the book again if I knew for a fact that Pip and that girl, who's name escapes me, died a painful death. One that would make me laugh more than Miss Havisham's.

That was harsh...

But I really hated that book...

I don't know why I thought of it...

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Telephone? Telephone.

Normally, I love getting phone calls from people I WANT to talk to...

Unfortunately, everybody that call the house always wants to talk to my mom or brother.

Though, I get plenty of text messages, but it's nice to know that somebody wants to focus on one conversation with you. When you text, odds are that the person you're messaging is texing 5 other people.

Depressing, right?

This is why I hate answering the phone unless I know who it is and I'm willing to talk to them.

Sadly, I was forced to take a call...

Like I couldn't have made a bigger fool of myself.


"Hi. Is this Hunter?"

Stop. You mistook me for my brother? Ow.

"Um. No. This is Shelly..."

*Awkward silence*

"Oh. I have the wrong number."

"Are you sure? I have a brother named Hunter..."

"No, I got the number completely wrong."


Then I hung up.

Hunter then walked into the room and said, "WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?"

"He said he had the wrong number...", I responded.

"That was Hunter."

At this point, I'm was confused out of my mind!

Hunter was asking for Hunter.

Then it clicked.

Hunter had a friend named Hunter...

So I just hung up on one of his friends.


Eventually, my brother called him back and they got everything worked out.

But I still feel like an idiot.

I wish people I wanted to talk to would call just to talk to me or even just say 'Hi'. It makes me feel special. Ha ha.

Friday, October 8, 2010

The Answer is P...

Today was our last day of Heath.


Come Monday, I will be taking Art with the band director.

Though, today was our final.

I failed it miserably.

Only ONE person passed with a perfect score.

It wasn't me!

Out of 49 questions, I had only gotten 15 correct...

Anyway, when he was passing out the answer sheet, I received it upside down.

I looked at it and looked up.

Then I looked at it again.

I turned to Juan and I said, "Since when do we have 'P' for an answer choice?"

I must have turned it over three times at LEAST until I figured out which side was up...

And I have the audacity to call myself an honor student...

Friday, October 1, 2010

Grammar and Football

Friday. This means football.


I had a blast tonight. I got an AMAZING two hours of sleep last night and I loaded up on caffeine, so I was bouncing off the walls... Though, now, I'm about to crash...

Apparently, our school has not been able to defeat Plainview since 1985. So, we were unbelievably pumped when we saw we were tied at half time.

Well, I'm not proud of my performance, but I'm confident about tomorrow.

After halftime, I pulled Jacob and Matt's hair up.

The saxophone section is now up to FIVE girls. Yes! Finally.

They were pretty... I wish I'd gotten a picture... I will tomorrow.

Whilst this was happening, we discussed commas.

We talked about how we would have to yell "LET'S GO COMMA PEE!"

Because, you see, if we were to yell "LET'S GO, PEE!" nobody would know if we were begging the director to go to the bathroom or cheering for the football player.

Because the comma is silent.

Like the "X" in my name.


Another classic example is the "LET'S EAT, GRANDPA!" The comma is silent. SO, my conclusion is that commas should be expressed as an interjection.

Oh! Wow! COMMA!

It could work, though it would be weird to have an interjection in the middle of a sentence...

Anyway... When the game ended, we fled to Pizza Hut. There, we met a former SBM.

He was on the drum line and loved it. I thought he would know my English teacher considering she was in the band back in the day.

She's my favorite teacher.

We talked about how much the school had changed and all that.

I really need to start taking pictures...


I've been feeling rather... intelligent today. Seriously.

You know how you rub your hands together and it causes them to warm up? I'm talking about friction. Well, we know that particles and atoms are CONSTANTLY moving. Even in solid substances. But in a liquid, they have more flow to them.

SO. I started thinking.

There are many different kinds of particles in coffee. The sugar, creamer, ect. Well, if all those particles bounced off of each other FAST enough, don't you think friction would take it's course and cause the coffee to warm up?

I thought so...

So I grabbed what coffee I had left from this morning and I took it to lunch with me.

I shook it all the way down the hall.

Now, before you go off and start calling me crazy, I'm going to tell you a secret.

It worked.

I got to the lunch room and my coffee was warm-ish. Not hot like it is supposed to be, but it wasn't room temperature. It was WARM.

Amazing, right?

Well, somebody had the audacity to tell me that it was just because it was in a thermos.

I forgot about that part.

So I inspected my coffee...

It was cold....

I sat like an idiot shaking my coffee trying to make it warm up.

Didn't work...

BUT, in theory, it should. You just have to shake it fast enough, I suppose....

On another completely unrelated note... Did you know the lady that sings "My Heart Will Go On" is CANADIAN?

I didn't.... Somebody told me 3rd block... only his exact words were....

"Yea, she is from Canananana... Cananana... Canana..."

I looked at my friend and we busted laughing.

OK, now imagine a two-year-old... Do you know how they shake their head and wrinkle their nose when you try to give them vegetables?

Now... Do that whilst saying "Canananada!"

Great fun.

Our new "obsession" is...
"Squirrels have big fluffy tails that go WOOSH *insert funky hand gesture here* and they live in *shakes head like a two-year-old* CANANADA!"

Monday, September 27, 2010

STOP BREATHING! You're fogging my window...

Since I failed to grab my iPod this morning, I was forced to sit and think for about 30-45 minutes on the bus.

Normally, this would scare me. I tend to think of things that bring out the worst in me.

But today, I thought of a few interesting things.

1. Do you remember when having a backpack with your favorite cartoon character was the “bomb-shiz”? I do… Though, I never had a backpack with Zaboomafu on the back. I can recall two that I’ve had in the past.

The first one I remember was kind of a dark, war-ish, green. “FRANCES” was written on the back in orange marker with dots on every point or corner.

Like this…


Why this picture is sideways is beyond me. I tried to fix it, but I failed…

And yes. I do keep paper by me at all times while I’m on the computer. I like to take notes on ways to improve my blog or something… And I’m never together, psh!

Anyway. That was my first backpack. I still have it. It’s in my loft, probably under the bean bag.

The second backpack I remember was black. It was a one strap, over the shoulder bag. I liked it. Though, I never wore it right and it threw off my shoulder; which, with time, went back to normal. I also had a lot of key chains on this one.

I don’t remember what I did with this bag, nor do I care. My green one has more memories to be be cherished.

2. I’ve never been so ashamed of my general generation (K-12 today).

I’m referring more to the younger kids. It’s to be understandable that they don’t fully understand or have to fully respect everything like older, more mature people do.

But would it kill you to leave your shirt ON when you get off the bus? Please? Nobody wants to see you jiggle in the rain whilst twirling your shirt around your head like a poorly paid stripper.

COME ON! I was young once too, but NEVER did I even consider to stoop so low. It’s not funny. It’s stupid.

Also, don’t assume a “Auburn fan died and the lights are flashing on the ambulance and they are doing it for his memory”. Really?

Grow up.

I did some research because I was curious as to what it meant and if there had been, in fact, a death.

From the little I cared to read, I’ve come to the conclusion that it wasn’t critical, they forgot to turn them off, or they were trying to keep the passengers blood pressure from spiking.

On the bright side, I learned something new.

3. A saxophone would beat a drum if there were to be a battle of instruments.

Juan and I argued this for the past 24 hours. He claims his drums would melt my saxophone once the drum consumed the sax.

It goes on and on… I still think a saxophone would win…

Sunday, September 26, 2010

More than color?

They say the eyes are the window into the soul.

Every countless time I've heard this, I always felt the need to look for a mirror to see what everybody sees through my eyes.

Normally, I can't see past the color...

Sometimes I think I see things when I look through other people's eyes. Maybe it's just a self conscious thing my mind does to put me down. Like I have no soul.

I've been thinking terribly deep for someone with such a dull personality.

What do you see when you look in my eyes? I'm curious to know...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Homecoming confession.

This week is Homecoming.

Just the thought makes my head scream in agony.

I've never liked this time of year...


Even as an innocent 8th grader, I never cared for it.

Now, I have my reasons.

I'm not saying I don't have school spirit; though, I'm seriously lacking it.

But is it really a crime just to say "No, I don't want anything to do with this."

I guess it's just the stress.

Being in band, I need to worry about memorizing music and another place on the field that I will never have to think about again.

That should give me comfort, but it doesn't.

What if I screw up that ONE thing I need to do?


No big deal, right?


It would haunt me for the rest of the year. I still have awful visions of the last two years.

I failed both times to memorize my music and it was just for the simple miracle of follow the leader did I ever find my place on the field.

As if I don't have to put up with enough on a regular week.

Let's get this straight.

I don't like pep rallies.

I've come to realize I don't enjoy being in a hot gym surrounded by overjoyed, loud teenagers.

There is no possible way I can blame them for being pumped for a game, but I don't like unnecessary noise.

It aggravates me on a level I can not explain. It's just kind of part of who I am. The funny thing about is is that I love my music loud, but there's something about random yelling and whistles that just rubs me the wrong way.

It's like a little blue monster gnawing on my brain. It's uncomfortable.

I seriously am considering hiding in the bathroom this Friday.

Like anybody would notice.


Secondly, I see no point in a 'Homecoming Court'.

What exactly do they do after? I've never heard anything about them beyond the night they get crowned and what not...

Personally, I think it's just a popularity contest.

Again, I choose to take no part in the voting or anything.

My ideal Homecoming would be of something a little different.

Change the themes. It's gotten old using the same ones every year. I am only a Sophomore, but c'mon. I'M bored of them.

Now, I'm a lazy bum. If I were to choose an IDEAL theme, it would be PJ week. I would participate EVERY day.

While I'm on the topic of themes, let me tell you WHY the ones they have chosen have gotten boring.

Monday was camo day. Original or not, you decide. But that's nothing extreme. There is no rule against not wearing camo to school. I've seen kids wear full out head to toe hunting camo gear crap and it's perfectly OK. There is nothing special about it.

Tuesday, or today, was 80's, mix and match, and crazy hair day. I went to school in just normal 'I-don't-really-give-a-crap' outfit... When I saw everybody in the hall, I felt I needed to take a trip to the ER for hallucinating. I saw somebody with a mullet and a LOT of colors. Just... odd. Now, it's WAY better than camo, but this theme has been used every year since I've been in 7th grade. Be a little more original.

Tomorrow is rock star day, but there are too many restrictions to really make it fun. Jesse and Aaron were planning on coming to school with their faces painted like Kiss, but NO. Somebody must have been listening to the conversations and just had to crush the dreams of young children. Also, why would you refuse to let the students to spike their hair? We were allowed to do it in the past and I don't remember it ever really being a problem. Besides, it's just ONE day.

Thursday is class shirt day. Boring. I think it's like setting the school into cliques. Like, I KNOW all the different colors won't merge. They will all float around the halls together like multiple rainbow-colored tumors. I try to associate myself with people at all different classes, but I'd be intimidated if I wasn't wearing the same color shirt. For a day I'll be part of the small tumor that kind of just floats around the veins of the school being my boring self.

And finally, Friday is red and white day. This kind of has the same tiredness as camo day. We can wear red and white any day. Just because we will look like red and white blood cells (I really need to stop listening to Mrs. Johnson...) doesn't mean a thing. At least not to me. Supposedly, red is the color of a killer. That may be why the school chose it, but I was reading a book and the students were restricted from wearing red because the staff was afraid that they were part of a gang or something that would attempt to kill them all... Dumb, yes. But some kid was killed because of a red ribbon she wore.

Completely off topic.

I just wish it could be mixed up a little more.


Or what about Hawaiian day? Nothing says "partay" like a large, sweaty guy in a hula skirt...

Maybe a ninja day? That would be fun to dress in black sweats and run around the school hallway like nobody can see you while randomly stabbing somebody with your pencil... Just a thought.

Or a stereotype change. The band dresses like their idea of football players, the cheerleaders can dress in their idea of a the band, the football players can dress like nerds, the average students dress as who they please. You know, just kind of a world gone upside down. It would give students a chance to laugh at themselves.

I would have a blast if there were a game day... Like we can dress as our favorite video game character. I would be Pac Man. Just saying....

I know these ideas are rather... sad, but they were just something I came up with on the spot.

Another thing I would do to make Homecoming a little more pleasant would be if we were given more time to prepare.

This is the band side of me talking. I don't have the time to sit down and memorize music. It's a hassle for me to bring my horn home. It's anything but convenient to throw a sheet of music at me 3 days before I need to know it. I'm at the band room from 3-5 after school on Tuesday and Thursday and I try to take Wednesday as a unwind/catch up on homework kind of day. It's part of what keeps me partially sane.

Right now, I stand somewhere between I don't want to quit band, but I don't want to participate when I need to. I'd rather be sleeping with my fluffy pillow and fuzzy comfort blanket than standing outside in the heat trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong. It's just frustrating. It has gotten better, though.

Anyway, I just wish I could request the weekend before the Monday of Homecoming to memorize the music. I could do it on my own time and I would still have my time of solitude.

Now, like I said, I'm only a Sophomore. I don't know what Homecoming means to the Seniors. Maybe it means the world to them or maybe they could care less. Maybe you should let them be more involved in what gets to be done. After all, it is their last year. Why not give them the opportunity to express what they want to do? I would take advantage of that two years from now.

Yes, I'm referring to the PJ's.

As for the Spirit Olympics, (A 'sporting' event where all the classes compete against each other in some... weird competitions) I feel obligated to say that I think it the ones in the past have been poorly planed. That's all I can say on the subject.

Another band thing- the parade Thursday. I don't mind this one as much as the crowning thing Friday. There are way worse things than marching around the school for about 20-ish minutes. I just think too much while it goes on. I wonder if those watching notice when I mess up and what not. Just something I over think, I suppose.

The floats just kind of... irk me. Every class does it's own float. I've never participated on any of the ones in the past. If I do ever work on one, It'll be the class of 2013's senior float. Even then, I wouldn't want to take a big part. It would just be a guilt thing that I'd be afraid would haunt me if I didn't take part in it at all.


Homecoming isn't a pleasant time for me.

Like Dusty said, there's more to it than just the football players, but I think it goes deeper than that. The themes, the small things people do to make it the best it can be that many people take for granted, and the noticeably poor work of others who play a large part.

It's like a conflict, almost, if you think about it.

We're fighting each other without even knowing it.

That's how I see it, anyway.

Think what you wish.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Teachers fill so many young minds with the things they need to help become what they want to be in the future.

They supply help and support.

There are always some giggles or great moments that will always be remembered in a class room.

Except one.

Every time I walk into this room, I feel as if my soul is drained of all energy and joy.

It's a trap this teacher sets every day. She takes joy out of our pain, I'm sure.

She laughs behind those creepily glazed, beady eyes.

We cower in fear when she slaps her hands like a retarded seal...

But laugh when she turns around.

Because it's really is quite funny.


I have yet to learn a thing in her class.

Not only that, I feel I'm failing it for the very fact she isn't teaching it.

It's like she's leaving it a mystery to be figured out on our free time.

I don't have any of that.

(As if I'm not wasting it typing this post...)

Everyday, after we endure an hour and a half rant, I run out to the hall.

Usually rolling my eyes and restraining myself from bashing my head to a bloody pulp against the nearest wall.

I see the same vision every day...

I see myself dropping out of high school.

Because of her.

I see myself working at McDonald's.

Because of her.

I see myself having no life.

Because of her.

I see myself pondering what went wrong in my sad little mobile home.

Because of her.

I'm put on medication.

Because of her.

I die alone.

Because of her.

Dear Teacher,

Congratulations. You have killed my mental image for the future.

Because you can't teach.

You should have stayed away from those drugs.

You're messed up.

You're murdering my brain.

Stop it.



I don't care.

I have hope of a life before me.

Leave before you kill whatever little chance it has left.



Monday, August 30, 2010

Possibly the BEST Monday EVER

Today was great. Enough said.


A lot has gone on since my last blog post.

I think the biggest thing that happened was on Friday.

I had KNOWN Friday was going to bite.

Like, I tried to talking to somebody about it to help make it better, or to at least make me feel better. Nothing was accomplished.



If anything, I felt worse. The guy I had talked to about it kind of dropped the subject like it was some form of deformed kitten with spider eyes.

I cried that night. It was terrible.

I woke up the next morning, still feeling like poo, but still managed to put on a happy face and went to school.

It wasn't too bad at all to begin with.

It was impossible to keep a straight face in Mrs. Monroe's class. Even Dalton couldn't help but laugh. It was great.

We did a lab second block, and it was rather nice. Madison was my partner. Our chemicals did exactly what they were supposed to do. Poor Toby and Jesse had to start over like... 3 times, that I recall... Not to be mean, but I found it funny. They weren't doing anything wrong, but Mrs. Johnson looked like she was about to have a duck. It was great.

Third block was pretty much the same as it has been everyday. Except we had to turn in our outside work. Thankfully, I had all of mine finished. Not well, but it was finished... 450 points for me!

Then it was band. *sigh* I don't understand why I always feel a sudden pressure on my mind and heart when I walk in there. Like, I suddenly feel small. Limited . Tiny. Insignificant. No matter HOW well may day may be going, it's always the same.

We went outside that day. To work on the show before the game that night. I swear, it's all a blur to me. I was angry. I was little. I was a little angry person inside a dumb, fat kid. It was a awful feeling.

Then we went inside for the pep rally. I wanted to cry. How is it the BORING part of the day was the most enjoyable for me, but when I get to the part that is supposed to be the most fun, I wanted to cry?

It was like my soul was slowly being crushed by all the bright, happy, and excited people.


But, it ended eventually. I left before announcements were given and I left the school so quickly, I boarded the bus with my neck strap on.

I felt like an IDIOT. I should have controlled myself in a more... reasonable manner.

While on the bus, the idea of skipping the football game bounced around in my mind. I then asked the consequences of doing so.

I really shouldn't have considered it. I should have just sucked it up, washed my face, and put on a fresh layer of make up.

But I didn't.

I took a shower to calm my nerves and called a friend.

I went outside and sat in the bed of the truck and cried as I listened to what they had to say. I was told things I would never would have guessed to be true, and still believe he made up the whole thing. But I would never tell him that...

Through all this, I was told to do what would make me happy.

I knew staying home would only make me feel guilty and would hurt my grade. I also knew I didn't want to go and suffer those hours of misery and just ruin the excitement of the first game for those around me.

I was planning on staying home, so I was completely unprepared. But when everybody else was getting in the car, I decided last minute that going to the game may be worth going to... It probably was the guilt doing the thinking at the time, but I ran inside and grabbed black socks and my shoes.

I forgot a lot of other things though. (i.e. deodorant, pony tail holder, extra change of clothes...)

But, I guess the important thing was that I went.

When I got to the school, I called the friend I called earlier to keep me company.

I went outside and sat next to the building so I could have service.

Nobody was coming, so I figured I could relax.

Then Ivy showed up and she dragged me to the bathroom where she loaned me some deodorant and talked with me.

It was really very nice what she did. And I'm glad she did it.

After she was all ready, she thought it would be a good idea to run on over to the Sardis Market and pick up some drinks.

I didn't think twice upon saying yes. I wanted out.

So we left.

I'm glad I did. It may be something many of those frown upon, leaving the band room when we really need to be getting ready, but I didn't care.

Strange. I've always cared what people have thought of me, and I still do, but this was different.

We walked all the way down to the gas station and got our drinks.

We semi-ran back to the band room, but we were also late.

Everybody was already sitting down and Mr. Whitmire was already giving a "pep talk".

And the looks were of pure hate. Like we were not welcome there.

Nobody said anything, but I could just hear what they were thinking.

Some of the things I could see them thinking were not something I'm willing to post to my blog.

But like I said. I'm GLAD I did it.

Now that I think about it, it gave me a feeling that band doesn't control my life. I do. They couldn't tell me that I couldn't go for a walk.

Though, I will never forget those looks of hate...

While Mr. Whitmire was talking, Ivy and I got our uniforms on and our instruments together.

I went through a internal panic attack when I couldn't find my flip folder and remembered I fled my house without my liar.

This brought feelings of dread. At this point, I had WISHED I stayed home.

Then I was then told Jacob got it out of my cubby and put his extra liar with it...

It calmed me down enough to where I didn't just leave.

We then went to the stands. I was feeling rather bad because of where the section leader had put me. I was worried I was going to ruin his and the other guy's time.

I tried to stay quiet and unnoticed. Just kind of let the events go to where they normally would if I wasn't there.

But, when we left for half time, things (to me) just got stressful. Daniel was yelling, I didn't at all know what I was doing. I couldn't remember my music NOR my sets. But somehow, I ended up around where I was supposed to be.

Now, I'm going to admit and be completely honest, I did terribly. I played the wrong notes, I was constantly out of step, and for the life of me I couldn't think straight.

But after half time, things calmed down. I got around some people I really enjoy being around and I laughed and had a good time.

We went back in the stands and I felt more involved. It was nice.

After the game, I went to the dance. Only because David had promised he would go with me the next time, and Anna wanted me there.

It was enjoyable.

I got a ride home with Dusty and I went to bed.

And slept.

ALL weekend.

Well deserved.

I guess... That's it?

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I'm not a fan of this time of year...


Funny you ask.

It's like starting all over to me when I've worked so hard to get somewhere I want to be.

Just so you can get an idea, think of a toddler, who has just started to walk, trying to make his way to... Let's say a shiny new toy. Then, when he is just about to reach it, a commanding adult lifts him up and puts him in a play pen.

Now this toddler has more obstacles. Since he has grown, he has to learn to climb out of the play pen to reach his new toy. On top of that, he has to pick himself up again before he can even think about getting out of the pen.

Well, right now, I'm that toddler... Even though I haven't even learned to walk yet.

I still need to learn to pick myself up and get to where I need to go. I'm failing miserably.

I've gotten some advice. Some I've found got me thinking and others that just made me feel worse.

I want this year to be the best and yet I can't even say who I am or how to become a "social butterfly".

If you've read my past posts, you may have a vague idea of what is going on in my mind.

It's more than it looks... It's more than what's in black and white.

Now, what happened today really struck some things up.

1.) I don't think I've ever been so nervous about pass offs. I know I knew it, but I couldn't remember if my first note was a fourth line D or if it was a E... But I still "passed it off"... How? I did the worst I've ever played and I still PASSED IT OFF. I should probably be happier than I really am... But I'm not.

2.) On the same note, everybody says I'm a good sax player and a good addition to the band. I think "You're full of it." It really isn't possible. I'm not as good as I should be at this point. I could be doing way better, but yet everybody disagrees. After I screwed over my pass offs, the section leader announced my page was empty. It should have really been three pages of ever note I bashed to the ground with a big boot... Kind of like a spider, if you desire a mental image. Not only do I feel he lied and said I passed, I feel I lied for not speaking up.

And finally 3.) When I got home, I talked to the driver for a few minutes about it. He kept giving me the same advice everybody else has been. Though, what he said got me thinking. "Just talk to people." Well, for ONE that's my problem to begin with. I can't just be like "OK!" and rush over to some random kid and strike a conversation. It's hard to say how far it'd go, but I doubt it'll go past, "I'm good, too."

I keep getting told that I need to be more confident, more "me", more social, and all that fun stuff...

I don't know... I lost the whole just of this blog. Too much going on up in the attic.

One step forward... Two steps back.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Who am I?

Today was fantastic.

I conquered my fear of heels and wore huge heels just for fun... It was nice to see some people eye to eye for once.

I also busted it in first block... The ONE time I wasn't wearing them...


As the day progressed, my feet began to hurt more and more.

Eventually, I just kicked them off in band and played in my socks.

Now, let's have a band update.

I'm going to try and keep band updates. It's not for you, as the reader, but I think it's mostly for me. Kind of like a diary, but something public... So I can have some questions answered.

Like today's, for instance.

Yesterday, I was talking to a friend about the day before. I was still upset about how bleh-ish I acted. I could have definitely handled the situation better, but at the time I didn't know how.

But I cracked open my shell a little bit and had a few discussions with a few people I wouldn't think I'd ever get a connection with.

It went fairly well. I laughed a lot until we had to get serious.

I don't know how people manage to continue talking without getting caught... I guess I'm just paranoid.

But during this time, I got to thinking to what my said friend said...

"You just don't know who you are yet."

Of course, this struck up some dusty thoughts...

I thought I knew who I was?

Then I had a mental debate...

"Who are you really?"

"You're Shelly, silly."

"Yes, but who is that?"

"Who you are."


It's a lot harder than it sounds... You know, they say the more you think about something the more insane you become...

It's fact.

How can you tell who you are?

Surely it's more than a identity on your birth certificate...

I'm stumped.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Let's meet the lions.

Today, was meet the lions.

It's basically a social event for the past, present, and future goers of the school meet to play flag football.

I had absolutely NO fun.

Like, I tried to get a friend to lie to the director and say his mother was dying and requested my assistance in getting her to the hospital or something.

I wouldn't have cared.

I was in a terrible place, from a social standpoint.

I'm not saying the people around me were evil, mean, or rude in anyway.

They just have a better life.

For the whole hour or so, I wanted to cry. I fought and fought my tears back.

When I was just reaching the point that I was just going to get up and leave, the director said he would dismiss us.

I was relived.

I couldn't wait to flee from the stands and be with my friends.

But through the whole thing, I was thinking of something I've thought about for a very long time. I mean like, for years.

"How do people really become friends?"

It's not something that clicks with me. I find it just weird to walk up to somebody and say "I want to name my kid Kitty."

If I were in that position, I would have replied "That's good to... know?"

End of conversation.

Does that make you two friends? I, personally, don't think so.

I don't understand how to start a conversation with somebody you don't know.

How do you work off of "Hey."

I mean, really? Come on. I know NOTHING about you. Why are you even talking to me?

I don't mean that in a snobby way. I mean it in a way more of, "How does this work? I'm confused."

Think about it, how did you make your friend?

Maybe it's because you constantly run into them in the hall? Or you see them every day?

But are you really friends? Or merely acquaintances?

How do you develop from acquaintance to friend?

Friends are somebody you can trust. How do you know when you can trust them?

I'm not saying I don't have any friends, I do, but I don't recall how they ever became my friend.

When I think about it, I think of three things.

1. "They had to have approached me first. I would have never had the nerve to walk up to them and be all like "Let's have a conversation."

2. "I think they are trust worthy... But how? How can you tell if you are ready to trust a person or not? Especially one that you knew nothing about a year or so ago."

3. "What is the purpose of friends? If nobody had them and just kept to themselves, imagine how fewer wars there would be? Fewer conflicts?"

It's just the way I am. And it frustrates me that I see all these people that have a huge group of friends, and I have mine. But it doesn't often reach that far. Like, my friends expand with other people. I don't feel comfortable getting out of my zone.

I know I'm rambling and I'm getting off subject, but if you could solve the problem for me or answer some questions, please leave a comment or find a way of contacting. I would love to know.

Anyway, after the game, I went and lingered around with my friends.

I mingled with Jon, David, and Rusty by the dunking booth. Watching Whitmire continuously plummet to a pool of water.

It was quite humorous.

Eventually, Jon left and I convinced David to go to the dance with me.

When we got there, we danced and I had a blast.

But there were some depressing points that have brought up the exact same thoughts as I listed before.

When a slow dance came on, I got a little upset.

How did those people meet? Why do have have this social problem? Is it the reason I can't find a boyfriend?

But I was lonely.

On top of that. My younger brother got a "girlfriend."

It frustrated me.

I guess I lack a social standpoint. Maybe I should give up. Maybe I just need help.

Of coarse, at the end of all this, I told my section leader about how upset I was. He said to take baby steps.

Truth is, I don't know where to begin.

Again, it makes NO SENSE to me...

I guess I'm finished.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wii Fit Plus Update: So it begins...

"Have you seen my shoes?... I kicked them off in a fit of joy."

If you don't already know, we purchased a Wii balance board about 4 days ago.

I love it.

The games are easy, yet they get you moving and you burn twice as many calories laughing at somebody else.

I'm living proof that this thing works.


I'm going to go out on a limb and give you a vague idea of my stats.

When I started I was in the "overweight" zone. I was, of coarse, devastated, because it was just proving what I already knew.

But I've worked with it. I've made a yoga routine I've been doing for the past 3 days and I've done the games.

And cane you believe it, I lost FOUR POUNDS... Four pounds in four days.

I had originally set a relatively unhealthy goal. I was upset at the time and I wanted to lose a lot of weight fast.

Now, I'm not so fat as to I can't get up and little children dangle french fries in my face and watch me squirm in attempt to get it. But I wasn't very active either.

I've wanted to be more active since I turned 15.

That's when it hit me that I was joining a large group of people walking, or eating/sleeping, their way into obesity.

I had vowed that as soon as I can drive alone, I would be at the park running, which is still my goal. But now I have the ability to work up to it.

I can't express how pumped I am. :D

Friday, August 6, 2010

Rodeos can get pretty intense...

It is almost midnight and I just got back from the most exciting rodeo I've ever been to.

It did have it's ups and downs.

Such as:

1.) We were supposed to work concession, so I expected to be missing some pretty exciting stuff. But we didn't. We were off the hook!

2.) I got sick. We were working on note cards a few hours before and we had snacks. It was just meat, cheese, and crackers. But something just didn't agree with me. I eventually was at the point I wish I would through up and just get it out of my system. Eventually Mom went with Sherrie and got some Tums for me and I got to feeling better.

3.) We stuck out like sore thumbs. What with Dusty and his shorts, baby blue Sesame Street shirt. Morgan was a bit more normal. She looked like she just got out of school. Hunter kinda the same way... I was the closest to fitting in... I actually wore my riding boots. :D

4.) Dusty had his camera. But along with this camera came attention. A lot of attention. A few people just seemed to think it was like snow falling from the sky. To say the least, it was weird.

5.) We had some very... interesting discussions. Mostly about cars and point of views. It was nice.

6.) A bull jumped the fence. You'll just have to look at Dusty's videos if you want to see... It was HILARIOUS!

7.) We got ice cream afterward.

8.) I have just been inspired to go barrel racing.

Now that the fun is over, I have to finish my summer reading assignment... Considering it is due Monday morning... Fantastic.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

There may be hope, yet!

I just got out of band camp. It was hot, icky, and confusing.

Considering I've missed four days of seven day camp, Hunter and I have semi-gotten the idea of what's going on.

Though, when we did the parent performance, we were supposed to march to the CD... That could have gone better....

I hear the music from a distance, so I assume I got the echo. Then I hear counting from the other side of the field and those I can see on my side are out of step according to what I hear... Again, it may have just been a echo and I'm an idiot for not thinking of it at the time.

But, when it ended, I was ecstatic. I couldn't stop talking. I floated around the band room and track aimlessly just speaking for the sake of hearing my own voice.

It was defiantly different. I can't recall ever feeling that good after a band practice. I felt accomplished, spazy, jumpy, ready to ride in my soon to be convertible and just get a COFFEE TOFFEE TWISTED FROSTY from Wendy's...

I swear those are like a gift from God.

Anyway, I must admit, I look forward to this year.

I'm glad I finally feel like I can be myself with those around me.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

I need a list.

Tonight I watched Julie and Julia... Terrible movie.

Though, I love the idea that Julie, I believe it was, decided she needed an escape by cooking. I, at first, thought she was an idiot. I almost got up to sit in the kitchen and look for deer.

Then I got to thinking...

"What order do I have in my life?"


I just kind of go with the flow and land where ever I run out of gas.

Many people would frown on that way of life. Possibly because it can get so hectic and stressful.

I laughed at the thought of my family truly being organized.

Of course, it was during the sad part when Julie's husband left her.... I'm glad grandpa had gone downstairs and everybody was so into the movie.

So, as it turns out, I want to do something different with my blog.

Like anybody really reads it. Ha.

I'm going to TRY and be more focused and into the world than I have been.

Those that know me probably know what I'm talking about.

They've seen me stare blankly or make other plans when I absolutely MUST be somewhere.

Terrible stress.

I also want to get more things done.

I want my bathroom finished, I want to bring my grades up as much as possible, I want to work...


What am I saying? Maybe I'm just tired or something...

Though, it is true and I think about it a lot.

What it would be like to have my bathroom finished.... I would never have to leave my room unless for school or band. It would be my sanctum and I would be able to put a rug down or maybe have some candles... YES!!

What about my grades? I've never gotten below a B-, I don't think... At least, not that I recall... I would love to get them up... Shoot, if I get that bathroom done and get some candles, I wouldn't mind studying so much.

Well... I have no dead line... I'm on vacation. Or, so I think...

Monday, July 19, 2010

Chicago bound...

Later this week, I'll be going to Chicago with my brother and grandpa.

I'm very excited... I'm also stressed out of my mind.

Mostly over band.

I've missed EVERY sectional this summer because I've been out of town or the weather wouldn't allow. I feel terrible for not knowing my music by now.

On top of that by the time I get back, I would have missed a day or so of band camp.

So not only do I not know my music, but I'll be behind on the sets.

Let it be known, I haven't forgot anything, it just isn't possible for me to be there when I need to be there...


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

You're a weirdie.

My orthodontist : Dr. Lawrence told me I would be getting my braces off the next appointment... Somehow I feel it's just because he is ready to get rid of me after 30 months of treatment.

It doesn't hurt my feelings. I'm ready to get them off, but Dr. Bergdoll had a lot more patience with me and my 'rebellious' attitude toward wearing rubber bands.

He is also bald.



If you failed to read the blog posts from the past, I'll be turning 16 in about 6 months.

I must add, I'm excited.

Not only does it mean I'm another year older, but it means I get the car and possibly the freedom to go to different places.

Well, for the past few weeks, we've had my uncle Matt's Lexus.

I LOVE that car.

It has such easy steering, the break works wonderfully, and it has a sun roof.

It was fantastic.

BUT Red, (see pictures below) is much, MUCH older.

So that means that his breaks and steering aren't as good as the Lexus's.

I'm not complaining. I love my car. It has so much personality and I can see myself driving it until I can afford to get another car. Preferably a SUV.

Though, I'm off topic of which I originally wished to discuss.


Today, while I was driving Red down I-20, I fell into some road hypnotism.

I missed my exit. Oops.

I also sped.

A lot.

Like I was pushing 85-90 in a 70 zone... Thank goodness for cruise control.

I also have come to notice that I make 'friends' while I'm driving.

Like, when cars get into little groups... I like to call them speed gangs... Because that's just how I see them. They are always together and always passing each other.

But, when all of the speed gangers pass quickly and continue on their merry way, there is usually always a little car left behind.

That is my friend.

That's when I watch them... Carefully.

If they speed up, I get paranoid and think the speed went up and that I need to go faster.

If they slow down, I get paranoid again and think that they know something that I don't and I slow down.

Though, it is basically the same when it comes to people I'M passing.

If I pass them quickly, I think they know something I don't and I address my speed.

If I pass them slowly, I think everybody behind me is evil for riding my bumper.

Then there is something about minivans that just humor me.

They just seem to pose some kind of competition.

Example: I'm driving down the free way going at a decent pace, but I do not know the limit.

Then I'm passed by a minivan.

"OHHHHHHH!!! Oh no! Nu uh! I don't think so! I was just freaking passed by a minivan, Ma!"

"Well, Shell, that is because you aren't going the limit."

"But a MINIVAN! Minivans aren't meant to pass people. That's what sports cars are for."

I fall into a mini spaz attack and I feel I MUST pass them. No matter what the cost... But usually, I don't.

And I continue at my normal cruise control set speed... Smiling on the inside, but a burning rage to speed and pass on the inside.

Though, it's unsafe and I'll never let my competitive side get the better of me.

Oh, and another thing that jumps out at me while I'm driving: Turn signals that flash WAY faster than normal. It just makes me think the car is a piece of junk and it's a BMW.

I hate BMW's by the way... But that's a story for another time.

Monday, July 12, 2010

I win!

Yesterday, I woke up and I thought, 'I'm tired of this room. I hate the color and it just makes it look dirty. I'm going to do something about it.'

I did just that.

I moved all my furniture off the wall.

Well most of it.

And I vacuumed.

To sum it up, I worked endlessly.

Then I knew I had to get it done soon if I wanted to return from Chicago in a beautiful bedroom.

So I texted everybody and said I would be doing the painting the next day.

Which is today, if you think about it.

And all but one replied and made it.

It was fun.

Now, my room is clean and I received a COFFEE TOFFEE TWISTED FROSTY.

But, I still have to move the furniture back.

I still win.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Lo and behold!

I've been reading a lot off of Stephan Pastis' blog.

I find myself quietly chuckling to myself.

It isn't until later that I notice the funny looks my family gives me when they walk by.

Then I think "What would Stephan do?"

"What a bunch of weirdos."

Thursday, July 1, 2010

If you're the bird, then I'm the worm. :D

Today, my aunt, uncle, and their two kids will be joining us at the mountains.

To add to the excitement of having them here, I got to make two beds and do laundry.

Don't take it as me being mean. I loved doing it. I truly enjoyed making beds to the original music from Owl City. It was kind of like a breather. A break from my vacation... doing work. Ha ha. I guess it just gave me a sense of being home. *laughs at the thought of ACTUALLY making my bed at home.*

Though, I'm supposed to be on vacation, I'm sick and tired of sitting on my butt watching medical shows. I want to get out more, but I don't want to walk the dog. It's already sad enough I get winded walking up the hill from Lady Slipper Lane. It makes me feel fatter than I know I really am.

I guess the whole point of this is that I'm ready to buckle down and get busy doing something productive.

Well... I think the drier is done!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Kitty Cats!! :D

This morning I was talking to my Grandpa while everybody else was asleep.

We started talking about who we were related to and where our descendants came from. I was amazed to find one of my family members from Canada lived to be 101. She also walked hundreds of miles (if I remember correctly) to get to Toronto.

Then I got distracted while sipping my coffee. There are one of those digital picture frames that cycle through photos. At that particular moment, it was a picture of my grandparents on their wedding day. I remembered that Grandpa did not want his car decorated. He told me he remembered handing the keys to his friend and saying "Keep my car safe, don't let anyone do anything to it."

But when they pulled up with his shiny red car, it was stripped in white. I thought it was nice.

Then we started talking about the future. I told him that the only thing I want is to name my daughter Kitty. He sat and thought a moment and said "You should marry a man named Charles Cats."

I didn't get it at first. Then it clicked. Kitty Cats. I was amused.

Friday, June 11, 2010

I, Shu, am a hero!

Recently; my brother, Hunter, bought a Nintendo 64 video game onto the Wii that can be played with a Game Cube remote. It isn't as complicated as it sounds.

Anyway, I've grown addicted... Again.

You see, my late uncle (That means he is dead) used to play it on his Nintendo 64 before he gave it to us. I don't think he ever finished the game, but we misplaced the entire system or something, but now that we have it again, I have been determined to finish it with some help.

Before I get too far ahead of myself, this is The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time!

The whole basic idea or purpose of this game is to defeat the evil Ganondorf and save Hyrule.

You start out as a child of the mere age of 11 when you finally gain a fairy, Navi, and go on your first adventure into the Great Deku Tree. Sadly, at the end, the tree dies. Then you travel to Hyrule where you meet Princess Zelda. She teaches you a song on your Ocarina.

These songs are required to help you on your future missions and what not.

After a few more missions Zelda escapes with her Nanny to safety and you get beat down by Ganondorf while he is out to capture her. I have yet to find out if she lives or not. Then, because you are too young to wield some sword, your soul gets encased at the Temple of Time for 7 years.

When you return the world is in chaos. The world gets dark around the castle, there are evil plants in your home village, and these undead things are in the Hyrule village. But the one good thing is you gain a faster way of transportation. You run to Lon Lon Ranch and you race a horse that was born to be yours or something and you basically cheat it out of this evil man, which... He kinda deserved. But eureka! You have Epona.

Anyway, the first mission was to save your own home, which was a pain in the butt. But we eventually did and everything there is back to normal.

Once you save that area, you talk to a old friend from when you were 11 and they make it all dramatic to the point its like "Saria will always be... Your friend...". I found that a bit dumb... at that point, I just saw a bunch of nerds, with no life, sitting around a computer creating this game. I laughed.

But once you finish talking to her, you are transferred back to the Great Deku Tree's corpse where a fat sprout is born. There you are told that your character is not from the forest, but from the castle or something. Poor orphan.

But that's about it.

I'm an addicted hero.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

7 More Months!! :D

I love a lot of things, but one of the things I love most is my future car. That, what you see above is Red Lightning, Red Mist, or just Red is fine. He is also commonly know to Mom as "Her Precious."

He is a 1999 Crystler Sebring Convertible and is in great shape. I look forward to turning 16. :)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

My ice cream is melting!! D:

It appears I have been neglecting my poor Blogger account...

Well, lately I have come across a few interesting encounters.

1.) Jerry has acquired a temporary accomplice. One that has the physical form of a loud Yorkie. Together, they have kept me on my toes on countless occasions. I'm not complaining, but to sleep past 4:30 a.m. would be nice. Tinsy will be going home tomorrow and I will miss her, but I'm worried Jerry will be upset with his loss and strike harder. *Insert dramatic music here.*

2.) Hunter turned 14. He is now officially one year younger than I. He wanted a PS3, but Mother was not fond of him online playing bloody war games with people she doesn't know. So, we got the youngster a Wii, which he wasn't fond of at first. But, you see, if we were to slowly turn around in some dramatic movement, we would see the child more focused on the game than he would be on any PS3 game. Ha ha.

3.) Mother is going to South Dakota... WITHOUT us. (And when I say "us" here, I would be referring to my brother, me, and my multiple personalities. Sorry to disappoint.) Though, I may be going this Summer. I already have a great friend to stay with, whom I miss SO much. Though, it would be nice to hike Bear Beaut in October.

4.) I've come to look forward to band everyday. I love playing my horn, and I love being able to talk freely again. Enough said. ;)

5.) I'm really trying to lose weight. I've cut back on how much I eat, I've been trying to make more time for exercise and less time on the computer, watching TV, and any other activity that involves me sitting on my butt. I'm very glad to have friends that say I'm not at all fat, but I'm also glad Jesse is willing to go running with me this Summer. Decent weight, here I come!!

6.) With age, maturity doesn't always come. That's all I have to say on this subject.

7.) While thinking of names for my new-to-me car, I've came up with a few. It is a red 1996 Chrysler Sebring convertible. The P.E.T.A people will get a kick out of this... The seats are made out of leather and there is a dead fish in the trunk. :) But back to the name thing. I was thinking Red Lightning, Red Mist, Raymond, ect. See the picture above, ideas would be greatly appreciated. (And, if anybody can tell me how to get the picture INSIDE the text, that would be great too.)

8.) I can cut myself putting candles in a cake and make flames while making cereal. Lets see you do it.

That about sums it up.

Monday, May 17, 2010

hehehe this is cheybird lol :)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

To Juan

Juan, stop scaring me! I hate getting embarrassed because you freak me out so much when you jump out of nowhere. xD

I'm thinking Arbys!

I've decided I want to start every blog with a quote... Here is quote #1.

-"If we are going to make this fake date thing work, you must fake it with me!"

So much has happened since my last blog. I've had weird dreams, went on a "fake date", and got mixed feelings of somebody I looked up to.

Before I go into any depth of this, I will mention how PROUD I am of my mother. She has come so far in the past 6 years. I must applaud my 8-15 year old self for putting up with the hard times of having a single parent that is attending collage. Her gradation was today, but the times got all mixed up so we will not be attending. But the pinning is tomorrow and we will go to that. She will also be entrusted with a flame (Oh Lord), and my grandparents will be coming up to haul me and Hunter away.

Again, congratulations, Mother. :)

Now, as for the subjects mentioned above.

Not last night but the night before that I had two very weird dreams.

The first one was about dissecting a squid. Only, we never did and I was in this years 10th grade class.

Mrs. Wright went to the front of the room and she said, "Okay, instead of dissecting, we will be observing the activities of this mountain climbing shrimp."

I was just like, 'Okay, great. I won't have to play with sharp objects.'

Then we all had to get up and get them ourselves, which none of us seemed to have a problem. When it was my turn to get a fish net and scoop one out of the tank I couldn't find one. So I asked the teacher if I could move the big rock in the middle of the tank to see if there were any there. Instead she shouted 'No!' and did some kind of ninja kick on the glass that made it shatter and caused my arm to splinter.

I then left to go to the bathroom to wash off and recompose myself.

When I returned there were HUGE worms laying on the floor and they were all rainbow colors.

I stepped on one and had dirt go everywhere. I was disgusted and threw up. Then I left to compose myself once more. When I returned the class room was set up like a little coffee shop and everybody (including my mom) was sipping tea.

This is when I had a spaz attack. I jumped out of bed (yes, I was really awake) and freaked when I saw myself in the mirror. When I calmed down, I looked at my phone and it was 4 am exactly.

When I finally felt like I could return to sleep for the last hour and a half I had left of sleep to sustain me through the day, I started to have another dream.

But this time I was on a beach. I found this HUGE castle or club house and I go inside to explore and to get away from murderous 10 year olds. I tricked them all including by having one run into a mirror and by shoving a short fat kid into a room that said "Porn" in a way that was all bubbly.

Then I woke up to get ready for school.

Yesterday, I went on a "Fake date" with Jon. It was fun. Nobody was in the theater and we talked and texted the whole time. The movie was good too by the way.

Then today, I've lost some respect for somebody I looked up to. I still think he is a great person, but the one statement he passed to Savannah reached my ear and he shall get a strongly worded letter.

When I get home.

Now. I want to play games. Bye.

Monday, May 3, 2010

You. Are. Determined.

I had the GREATEST day today!

Mrs. Writes daughter, Lyn lee, got sick and so we got stuck with a substitute. It was a bit of a bummer because we were going to dissect today and I was actually prepared... Unlike last Friday.

But the substitute was kind of scary. She wore WAY too much make up and well... Yea... I wouldn't want to run into her at Wal-Mart.

TIME OUT. I'm off topic.

But we watched a video about the world's most intelligent creatures. And to think, squirrels made it and we humans didn't.
Then she broke out worksheets... I feel so unprepared because I didn't know many differences between annelids and mollusks.
But I'll get that finished tomorrow.

Then, during break, I went with Chey to Mrs. Batemon's room. It was painfully uneventful then, but it was fun none the less.

Eventually I dragged myself to the only class I really come to dread now, Coach Rutledge's.

We shall skip the events of this class for they were very uneventful.

After that I walked to 3rd block algebra by myself. It was quite fun... That reminds me, I need to bring a plastic fork tomorrow... Hmm... :D

We finally worked out of our book that we have been carrying around all semester and it wasn't too bad.

Finally, I went to band. I was oddly looking forward to it.
I took my place next to Devan and Christen and Whitmire lectured over a few things.

After a while, when we were taking up music, Devan went on and on about a song he was writing, Cinnamon rolls, and Apex performances.

It was very amusing. He LOVES those Cinnamon rolls. He claimed to kill people, eat himself, and to slap his best friend for these rolls of sugar and spice.

Oh! And I was finally deemed to NOT be an abomination. Which was kinda fun.
When Kyle came over I moved over a seat and debated weather what Christen was drawing was a Phoenix or a dragon. Jacob and I eventually agreed it was a fragon. :P

*Sigh* Life is good. :)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sanity Slips

So I've spent the last hour or so trying to find a white button up shirt.



I had gone through ALL of my contacts in search of one. I was beginning to think I would have to wear something I wore more recently... and then... JUNIOR texted back saying he had a long sleeve and a short sleeve I could borrow.

Talk about strange.

You would think, considering I live in Alabama, it would be a simple mission to find somebody that had one. Maybe the first you asked.

But no.

I guess this place isn't as redneck as I thought. :P

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I just discovered it is sickeningly painful to live without internet... Even though I'm not on very often.

Anyway, today was wonderful. Everything seemed to go in a way that just worked. :D

I got a new Mother, many questionable fathers, and I didn't have to sit at the painful end of the table! (Thank you, Momma. xD)

What I really want to get across at the moment is the fact a tornado decided to attack the northern-ish part of Alabama. Who would have thought. Maybe Mother Nature is striking back from all the times we have taken advantage of all the slack she cuts us... Or I'm thinking for along the lines of a fairy tail, which would more than likely be the case.

I remember before I knew there was a tornado, I was watching television and throwing a tennis ball for Sydney. When suddenly... BAM!, a tornado warning... As any attentive human being would, I stoped what I was doing to pay attention. Though, nothing prepared me for what came on the screen next.

First, I will make fun of how long they take to try an issue the warning. I mean, it was like "ATTENTION *** WE ARE ISSUING A *** TORNADO *** WARNING FOR THE FOLLOWING COUNTIES *** : MARSHALL...."

Okay, I may have exaggerated that a bit, but that's how it seemed to feel.

And then right toward the end when they were still reading out the warning, a fat old man came on screen. Of course my immature side took over and I cracked up. I don't feel the least bit bad, it was just so utterly random I couldn't keep my posture.

Then, I got to thinking. As much as they talked about trailer parks and people that live in trailers (no offence to the ones that do) I figured these warning were meant for them. Or more directly toward them, because most are unemployed and live their life in front of the television. I'm not saying all do, it may just be a stereotype, but I got a chuckle out of it.


I then went about my business because the weather was still just thunderstorms and Mother was still out on her 'date' (Which seemed to go well too, by the way.).

When she returned with her 'date' she handed over a tub of ice cream, a 24 case of Dr.Pepper and a box of pizza for me and Hunter. We then just 'chilled' in my room and enjoyed the carbs, fattening sweets, and caffeinated substances.

Eventually the cable went out and I fell asleep. Then around 12-2 in the morning, I was awoken by my brother and commanded to go down stairs. There, I once again fell asleep watching The Blind Side, but not before I had a few hurried, anxious conversations.

All in all, I'm just glad everyone is OK. So far, I have only heard of two deaths and about twenty something injuries.

It's a shame about the Albertville community.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Fun Story (Part 1)

I'm still lacking the basic essential element of all humans. NO SHOES!
Shelly is so weird.... hahaha this is The Flying Hamster!!!!!!!!!!! (a.k.a Juan)

Once upon a time, there were three dragons.
The oldest was named Lulu, the second was named Fred, and the last was called Paprika.
Lulu had no social life, Fred was a pimp, and Paprika was a mere infant.
Lulu was also a drug addict, Fred was gay, and Paprika could fart all the alphabets except for "Y".
One day, Lulu was very lonely, Fred was out having fun, and Paprika was practicing for a infant talent show.
So Lulu decided to ride her bike to the fair.
Fred on the other hand was not happy about this, for she had kidnapped his favorite gay hooker.
So Fred sent his trusty side kick, Bubba, to kill Lulu.
Paprika could care less, she decided to continue to practice.
But then a tornado came and killed her brother and sister. So she was all alone, and had no one to leave with.
So she called her favorite drug addict, MawMaw.
MawMaw was the weird old lonely Dragon that lived in the Amazon Pond.
MawMaw was not amused to find out her inheritance fund (10 dollars) was going to a baby dragon.
So she came up with a plan to use Paprika in some mysterious plan.
Of course, Paprika was completely unaware of the evil plan.
So went on with her regular plan to go visit MawMaw.
When Paprika arrived, MawMaw shoveled spaghetti, and dragon patties down her throat.
Until Paprika could no longer eat. Eventually she got very fat(and I mean VERY FAT).
MawMaw was very satisfied with her plan. She then made Paprika go and visit the transsexual prince of no where.
Who's name was Puppy Gaga. When she got there she was very pleased to see a Puppy Gaga with a swim suit on.
(We are not positive of Puppy Gaga's gender)
Puppy Gaga forced Paprika into one as well.
There they had a dance party as Fred and Lulu looked up from Dragon Heck in jealousy.
So sent evil mermaid spirits to kill both of them.
They were completely unaware they hired a Asian dragon from Ceiling land, Instead.
So they sent it with the evil mermaid spirits.

To Be Continued..................

Hehee!!!!!!!!!!!! Hiya! (Jesse's word) Zees is Ema :D I love's meh Shuley!!!!!!!! :D


Once again I have found myself trapped among the minds of the 'intelligent'... Ha ha, I'm sure.

We were sent with the freedom and the anticipation we would be quiet in the hall, Coach Sanderson made a terrible assumption. We eventually all got to regroup in the lab, but not without shame.

It has certainly been an interesting day. It started off fine when I woke up at 3 am thanks to the spirit of a dead man... The joy of the hour. Eventually I prepared to load the bus, where I met the troll... Ha ha! On the up side, they decided to be less suicidal. D.A.s...

We had a sub in first block (kill me now), but she wasn't too terrible. We got to move seats and she didn't say anything when I 'kicked my shoes off in a fit of joy'. It was all fine and dandy until my socks got dirty... Poor things, but it was worth it!

Then during second block I wanted to rip some body's head off! I hate being ignored and Mrs.(?) Hudson wouldn't let me go anywhere other than to the track. Oh well, we all made it out alive.

As of now I must find my shoes... For we are about to head to lunch.


OK, we just returned from lunch. Going to the bathroom was the worst mistake I've made ALL day. We walked in and Ema entered the first stall and I briskly walked to the second. BUT when I pushed the door opened, something made the door bounce back into my face. I screamed and it took me a minute to process that there was a HUMAN in that stall. I was so embarrassed, I waited for Ema to hurry and leave. I apologized, but they weren't amused. Even though I was red in the face from humor and embarrassment.

When we sat down, Mrs. (?) Hudson made her class get up. Thank goodness Coach Rutledge wasn't there. We wouldn't have EVER gotten to sit down.


(And juan rudely interupeted this thingy ............. hi ppl well bye)

This is Cheyenne Grant Shu's Best Friend (besides Ema) im renaming this little thing a ma bob "Flying Sandals" because my nick name is chey-bird and that is a story for a diffrent day and shellys nick name is ShU therefore thing ahead to summer u come up with flying sandals :)well g2g shu says im takin to long to type and is pickin on my spellin'

See the influence I surround myself with?

Question: OK, a mail man in America can take his mail truck to Europe and drive on the road, but can he deliver mail?

Answer: No, because it would be on the opposite side of the road.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

It's a terrible feeling at the end of a perfect day.

I've discovered that when somebody has something important to tell me that I can NEVER repeat, I have a great desire to tell somebody before I just break down. Not just anybody, but maybe a close friend... But I don't... Even though I probably should.

What I'm told is not normal gossip. It's somebody else's problem that they've decided to grace upon me and only me. I have nobody to discuss the issue with or ask why because I fear their reaction.

I've always kept my promise, but it drives me on edge to where I'm not comfortable around anyone.

It's like I've taken on their problem, I see it as they don't, and there's nothing I can do.

It's a TERRIBLE feeling.

But I suppose I should just be glad I'm trusted enough to be told what really going on... I just wish I could stop it somehow...

It's times like these I'm happy to be alive.

Today was the most magnificent bonfire in the history of this ancient house. All those in the photo above plus my Mother, Keith, and Joey attended.

When I first woke up I wasn't at ALL thrilled about it. Mostly because I felt I would be responsible for a 2 year old (yes, that would be Joey), my eye was killing me, and I didn't sleep well at all... Considering I shared the couch with said 2 year old.

When I got over it all I watched Robots with Joey a few times and eventually spent about an HOUR cleaning my room. With that it was barley decent enough for company. Then I went downstairs and Joey was getting pretty tired. So we had him stay on the couch while Hunter and I played PSPs.

Then David and Caleb arrived.

Of course I decided to be the EVIL big cousin and move the now sleeping Joey into Mother's room where he would be away from all the noise.

Bad idea.

He SCREAMED and SCREAMED and SCREAMED. I just got David and Caleb to follow me outside to hide Jessica and Jon's ticket.

Caleb hid Jon's up in a big tree that is growing in the middle of my yard and David hid Jessica's in the most obvious place.

Then Dusty and Jesse pulled up in a white van. Dusty was driving and I haven't a clue why I didn't dive for cover. But they joined us and lord behold they borough CHOCOLATE and drinks. Which was GREAT. It's thanks to one of those Mountain Dews that I'm still up with no intention of going to bed.

Then all four guys: Dusty, Jesse, David, and Caleb; moved sticks to be burned. I sat and watched. I always knew I'd be a good supervisor. :D

Eventually Keith and Ema pulled in. Poor Keith NEVER looks happy when I see him. So I called him some childish names. Which I found hilarious.

Later on, Anna showed up. She was walked over and we socialized for a while. During this time Hunter was working on the fire. Which is a good thing considering I "don't need to be playing with fire."

As if I'm not the oldest. xD

Once again, we socialized about squirrels and what we would do to Jon when he showed up, considering he didn't have a ticket.

Then we saw Jessica's car... Going the wrong way...

Anna, Ema, and I then decided to stand in the street and try to flag them down.

I didn't work.

Ema gave up and headed back to talk to those at the truck while Anna and I ran down the street to retrieve Jessica from Keaton's yard.

The ironic thing was that on the way I received a text from her saying,"Is it the one in the fence?"

We laughed hysterically. Mostly because we were standing right behind their reversing vehicle. We then got their attention and hitched a ride back to my house.

Then we talked until Aaron arrived. Once we found out nobody else was coming Mother went inside to start cooking.

All the while we played games and just had fun.

At one point we played volley ball. Somebody always ended up hitting it toward the fire and we would just stand there and scream, "No!" as the ball slowly rolled and Jon walked casually to retrieve it. Priceless. :D

Oh and my Mother being the awesome semi-adult she is, she let us crank up the truck and turn on the radio. We eventually ate.

(By the way, I can't remember if we played volley ball before OR after we ate.)

Eventually we made smores and put on my mp3 stuck on Lady Gaga... And the Trash men... ha ha!

After we had smores Jon said something about me and well... He landed on my nose and it HURT! ha ha I wish I had a picture.

Finally, when it started to get icky outside we all migrated to my room... Of course I didn't know at the time and had to attack Jon for the jacket that was hanging on my wall. Anyway when Dusty, Jessica, and Caleb found my room they started to shot stuff all over my room... And to think... 2 hours down the drain... xD

Eventually I found out Aaron had left and Jessica, Anna, and Jesse were outside because of the cat. So I threw Peanut (the cat) outside and urged them to come in and join the fun upstairs... ha ha I didn't know my room could hold so many people.

Eventually we settled down and played Apples to Apples which got boring after a while. Then Dusty started feeling bad due to allergies we suspect and he and Jesse returned to the Dustin Headquarters.

After they left we brought out a pack of poker cards and played B.S. until David and Caleb left. We continued to play until Jon got tired and decided to leave. I then waited outside with Jessica and Anna to be picked up. When they left we still had to wait for Matt to retrieve Joey.

So once everyone was gone, I got on the computer and waited for Matt. Who happened to have just left with Jr.

Now I'm literally shaking from all the excitement... I hope tomorrow will be a lazy day...

Oh... And I drove Jon's car... I wish he would have told me it would have been a good idea to wear shoes... YUCK!

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