Thursday, May 6, 2010

I'm thinking Arbys!

I've decided I want to start every blog with a quote... Here is quote #1.

-"If we are going to make this fake date thing work, you must fake it with me!"

So much has happened since my last blog. I've had weird dreams, went on a "fake date", and got mixed feelings of somebody I looked up to.

Before I go into any depth of this, I will mention how PROUD I am of my mother. She has come so far in the past 6 years. I must applaud my 8-15 year old self for putting up with the hard times of having a single parent that is attending collage. Her gradation was today, but the times got all mixed up so we will not be attending. But the pinning is tomorrow and we will go to that. She will also be entrusted with a flame (Oh Lord), and my grandparents will be coming up to haul me and Hunter away.

Again, congratulations, Mother. :)

Now, as for the subjects mentioned above.

Not last night but the night before that I had two very weird dreams.

The first one was about dissecting a squid. Only, we never did and I was in this years 10th grade class.

Mrs. Wright went to the front of the room and she said, "Okay, instead of dissecting, we will be observing the activities of this mountain climbing shrimp."

I was just like, 'Okay, great. I won't have to play with sharp objects.'

Then we all had to get up and get them ourselves, which none of us seemed to have a problem. When it was my turn to get a fish net and scoop one out of the tank I couldn't find one. So I asked the teacher if I could move the big rock in the middle of the tank to see if there were any there. Instead she shouted 'No!' and did some kind of ninja kick on the glass that made it shatter and caused my arm to splinter.

I then left to go to the bathroom to wash off and recompose myself.

When I returned there were HUGE worms laying on the floor and they were all rainbow colors.

I stepped on one and had dirt go everywhere. I was disgusted and threw up. Then I left to compose myself once more. When I returned the class room was set up like a little coffee shop and everybody (including my mom) was sipping tea.

This is when I had a spaz attack. I jumped out of bed (yes, I was really awake) and freaked when I saw myself in the mirror. When I calmed down, I looked at my phone and it was 4 am exactly.

When I finally felt like I could return to sleep for the last hour and a half I had left of sleep to sustain me through the day, I started to have another dream.

But this time I was on a beach. I found this HUGE castle or club house and I go inside to explore and to get away from murderous 10 year olds. I tricked them all including by having one run into a mirror and by shoving a short fat kid into a room that said "Porn" in a way that was all bubbly.

Then I woke up to get ready for school.

Yesterday, I went on a "Fake date" with Jon. It was fun. Nobody was in the theater and we talked and texted the whole time. The movie was good too by the way.

Then today, I've lost some respect for somebody I looked up to. I still think he is a great person, but the one statement he passed to Savannah reached my ear and he shall get a strongly worded letter.

When I get home.

Now. I want to play games. Bye.


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